About Us


Here at AlbufeiraShopping you will find everything you need.

Our shopping centre features 41 quality shops, a pleasant atmosphere and excellent customer service.

We are open everyday in order to satisfy your needs.

  • Location: Albufeira
  • GLA: 11.577 m2
  • Free parking spaces: 560
  • Opened in August 1989
  • Owner: CA Património Crescente – Fundo de investimento Imobiliário Aberto
  • Management: Sonae Distribuição

Temporary Event Area

Our Mall Activation concept allows you to achieve great sales results as well as increase communication within the same area: our shopping centre. We provide individual stands (letting, shop spots and others), and Flashstores (temporary shops) that enable you to reach out to your customers, and guarantee a unique approach and the best return on your investment. If you would like more information about the services we have to offer click here or contact us at the following e-mail: mallactivation@sonaesierra.com